Dec 23, 2023Liked by Dave Brown

Damn man. This is some heavy stuff you are going through right now, and I wish I had some better words.... But I think you're a wonderful man and I wish I knew you better. Everything you say rings true to me. My parents are still relatively young, but man... I'm not going to be able to take care of either or them. I also don't want to either. I'm 42 and I can barely take care of myself. Ya know?

I hope venting helps you get this out and off your chest. I have a ton of shit piling up in my own head and heart these days and I really miss writing like this. There's just too many people who don't get it, the venting on the internet. So thank you for sharing. Keep your head up and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. Love you.


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